18/08/21 12:00: NEW daily rewards card

Because ducos rewards per board change over time I added an automated reward check which calculates the daily coins based on real world tests. The data gets refreshed every 30 minutes. Thanks to LooTTaxi for the idea!


05/08/21 12:00: Dashboard Version 1.0

Hi, with this update I changed a lot. The dashboard is now hosted on my own Server for serving the new DUCO faucet, server check and more. I hope you like the changes.


07/07/21 20:00: Fixed issues and other things

The dashboard is now working again as it should. With the new API, the dashboard has to fetch less files and is consuming less data. Also, I made some small other improvements.


05/07/21 21:00 (UTC) Dashboard error

Due to major changes to the API, the dashboard is currently only partially functional (no miner data). The problem will be fixed on Wednesday.


01/07/21 20:00 (UTC) API issues

Due to problems with the rest api and high server cpu usage, the dashboard may not load or update very rarely. Please try again later.


29/06/21 13:00: New dashboard login layout

Hi, as you may have noticed, the login page was extended by two surrounding news cards. While one news card contains official Duino-Coin news, the other one is updated by me for mining related news.
